334 acres
2685 New Milford School Road, New Milford
Here For Atwood's Website
Atwood Park is one of the largest parks in the Rockford Park District,
with 334 acres of diverse habitat. There is about one mile of the Kishwaukee
River flowing through the park. Atwood is laced with forest paths and beautiful
scenery, which is highlighted during the changing seasons.
Located within Atwood Park is the Atwood Outdoor Education Center (AOEC),
whose mission is to develop in young people and adults an understanding and
respect for self, others, the earth, and all their interrelationships.
The entrance to the south side is accessible from 11th Street. The entrance
to the north side of the park, where the Atwood Outdoor Education Center is
located, is on New Milford School Road. When there are students using the north
side of the park for programs, there is a locked barricade across the drive into
the park and vehicles are not permitted for the safety of our students.